Breker, Arno

Arno Breker, German sculptor, born in Wuppertal in 1900 and died in Düsseldorf in 1991, came to Paris in 1927. In 1933 he returned to Berlin, where he was a professor at the Hochschule für bildende Künste from 1938-1945. He developed an ideal of beauty based on antiquity and the Renaissance, which he also made serviceable to the National Socialist party world view after 1933, from which Breker remained controversial in his artistic stance to this day; those works, e.g. sculptures for the Olympic Stadium (1936) and for many other state representative buildings have almost all been destroyed. After the war Breker created portrait busts and prints, was also active as a writer: in 1970 appeared Hitler et moi (Paris); 1972 "Im Strahlungsfeld der Ereignisse" (In the Radiation Field of Events). This biography is subject to copyright. (c) Evi Kliemand, 1998. All rights reserved. Reproduced with kind permission of the author.

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